Fitbit OAuth 2 (Mobile Application Flow) TutorialΒΆ

This makes use of the Implicit Grant Flow to obtain an access token for the Fitbit API. Register a new client application there with a callback URL, and have your client ID handy. Based on an another example of the Mobile Application Flow.

>>> import requests
>>> from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
>>> from oauthlib.oauth2 import MobileApplicationClient

# Set up your client ID and scope: the scope must match that which you requested when you set up your application.
>>> client_id = "<your client ID here>"
>>> scope = ["activity", "heartrate", "location", "nutrition", "profile", "settings", "sleep", "social", "weight"]

# Initialize client
>>> client = MobileApplicationClient(client_id)
>>> fitbit = OAuth2Session(client_id, client=client, scope=scope)
>>> authorization_url = ""

# Grab the URL for Fitbit's authorization page.
>>> auth_url, state = fitbit.authorization_url(authorization_url)
>>> print("Visit this page in your browser: {}".format(auth_url))

# After authenticating, Fitbit will redirect you to the URL you specified in your application settings. It contains the access token.
>>> callback_url = input("Paste URL you get back here: ")

# Now we extract the token from the URL to make use of it.
>>> fitbit.token_from_fragment(callback_url)

# We can also store the token for use later.
>>> token = fitbit['token']

# At this point, assuming nothing blew up, we can make calls to the API as normal, for example:
>>> r = fitbit.get('')